Program Overview


The mission of the Duke Pediatric Research Scholars Program (DPRS) is to identify and train the next generation of pediatric physician-scientists as leaders in the development and implementation of innovative strategies to improve the health of children.

This Physician-Scientist Training Program (PSTP) is dedicated to preparing burgeoning physician-scientists for careers in academic medicine. DPRS focuses on the period from residency and fellowship training through the transition to an academic appointment. The training program combines the intensive clinical training environment of Duke Children’s with the rigorous scientific training of Duke University’s world-renowned laboratories. 

Program Structure and Benefits

Concierge Mentoring

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Identify mentors based on research interests

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Establish a Scholarship Oversight Committee relative to the individual needs of each scholar

Professional Development

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Develop research and communication skills through seminars and workshops


Manuscript and grant reviews--prepare and review applications for grant and fellowship funding

Scholarly Engagement


Sponsor Pediatric Research Morning Reports, Duke Physician-Scientist Symposium, Pediatric Research Retreat and other events 

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Provide funding for travel to present at national conferences and publish scientific papers

Research Support

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Promote access to a plethora of additional resources to support complete holistic development of trainees

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Access to funding for publications, provision of a laptop and/or software licenses relative to the needs of the scholar