Global Health Research Training

For fellows interested in global health research training, we offer a combined Pediatric ID / Global health fellowship training pathway.

The Combined Pediatric ID / Global Health Fellowship Training Pathway

This pathway – which is the result of a strong collaboration with the Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI) – enables fellows to complete ID subspecialty training and obtain a Master of Science in Global Health (MScGH) degree (tuition paid by the institution) during a three-year training program. During their second year, fellows complete coursework in the conduct of international research and design an independent international research project with mentors at Duke and in a host country. During their third year, fellows spend >9 months at an international site in order to gain expertise in study implementation, the informed consent process, meeting regulatory requirements, data collection and analyses, and manuscript preparation. This combination of didactic and practical training enables fellows to develop a comprehensive understanding of the unique scientific, ethical, and practical aspects of conducting research in vulnerable pediatric populations in resource-limited settings.

More Opportunities

Pediatric ID faculty member, Dorothy Dow, MD, MScGH, is based year-round at our clinical research site in Moshi, Tanzania. Numerous division and other faculty members are conducting international research projects in other African countries, in the Middle East, in South and Central America, and throughout Asia. Several fellows have conducted international research projects while remaining connected to Duke for weekly division conferences, mentor meetings, and other fellow activities, including our now faculty member, Ganga Moorthy, MD, MScGH.

Duke University is a national leader in global health. The Duke Global Health Institute (DGHI) was founded in 2006 to address health disparities around the world. The DGHI is a university-wide institute with participation from every school--business, divinity, engineering, environment, graduate, law, medicine, nursing, and undergraduate. 

The Duke-Kilimanjaro Collaboration is a key clinical and research site in Moshi, Tanzania that is the result of a combined effort of the DGHI and the Departments of Medicine and Pediatrics. This well-organized and productive clinical research site includes a state-of-the-art laboratory research building (supported by the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation) and a family-centered HIV care facility (supported by the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation).


Duke University has two major joint ventures in Asia. The Duke-NUS Medical School (Duke-NUS) in Singapore is a collaboration between Duke University and the National University of Singapore. The school's curriculum, patterned after the Duke School of Medicine, has become a leading center for medical research and education in Asia. There are multiple infectious diseases faculty from Duke University who conduct research full-time in Singapore, investigating infectious diseases such as typhoid fever, yellow fever, malaria, and dengue fever. The Duke Kunshan University (DKU)located in Kunshan Jiangsu province, China, is a partnership between Duke University and Wuhan University to create a world-class university offering a range of academic programs and conferences for students from China and throughout the world. DKU offers graduate degrees and semester-long programs for undergraduate students enrolled at Duke and other universities. 

Woman holding a child at clinical research site in Moshi, Tanzania