

Ann M. Reed, MD

Ann M. Reed, MD
Samuel L. Katz Distinguished Professor of Pediatrics
Chair, Department of Pediatrics
Physician-in-Chief, Duke Children's

Vice Chairs

Christoph Hornik, MD, MPH

Christoph Hornik, MD
Vice Chair, Research 

Kyle Rehder, MD

Kyle Rehder, MD
Vice Chair, Education 

Heather McLean, MD

Heather S. McLean, MD
Vice Chair, Quality 

Angelo Milazzo, MD

Angelo S. Milazzo, MD, MBA
Vice Chair, Practice and Clinical Affairs 

Kathleen Wurth Bartlett, MD

Kathleen W. Bartlett, MD
Vice Chair, Faculty Development 

Susan Kline, MS

Susan Kline, MS, MBA
Vice Chair, Administration and Finance 

Jasmine Willis-Wallace, EdD

Jasmine C. Willis-Wallace, EdD
Vice Chair, Organizational Culture and Experience

Division Chiefs

John Sleasman, MD

John W. Sleasman, MD
Allergy and Immunology 

Kris Mahadeo, MD, MPH

Kris M. Mahadeo, MD, MPH
Transplant and Cellular Therapy 

Kevin Hill

Kevin D. Hill, MD

Alexandre Rotta, MD

Alexandre T. Rotta, MD
Critical Care Medicine 

Corrie Chumpitazi

Corrie Chumpitazi, MD
Emergency Medicine 

Robert Benjamin, MD

Robert Benjamin, MD

Bruno Chumpitazi

Bruno Chumpitazi, MD
Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Nutrition 

Lars Wagner, MD

Lars M. Wagner, MD

David Ming

David Ming, MD
Hospital Medicine 

Michael Smith, MD, MS

Michael J. Smith, MD
Infectious Diseases  

Priya Kishnani, MBBS

Priya S. Kishnani, MBBS
Medical Genetics 

Jane Vy Trinh, MD

Jane V. Trinh, MD

Sarah C. Armstrong, MD

Sarah Armstrong, MD
General Pediatrics and Adolescent Health 

Mai ElMallah, MD, MBBS

Mai ElMallah, MBBS
Pulmonary and Sleep Medicine 

Heather Van Mater, MD

Heather Van Mater, MD

Other Leadership

Samrat U. Das, MBBS

Samrat Umasankar Das, MBBS
Director, Undergraduate
Medical Education 

Mia Mallory

Mia Mallory, MD, MEd
Director, Pediatric Residency Training Program 

Colby Feeney, MD

Colby Feeney, MD
Director, Medicine-Pediatrics Residency Training Program 

Jillian Hurst, PhD

Jillian Hurst, PhD
Director, Children's Health & Discovery Initiative (CHDI) 

Andrew Landstrom, MD, PhD

Andrew Landstrom, MD, PhD
Director, Duke Pediatric Research Scholars Program (DPRS) 

Jennifer Rothman, MD

Jennifer Rothman, MD
Medical Director, Children's Clinical Research Unit (CCRU)