The Pediatric Division of Emergency Medicine provides high-quality, timely, and compassionate emergency care for patients, ample clinical experience, unsurpassed educational opportunities for residents and medical students, and cutting-edge research that, when combined, consistently improves patient care.

About Us

The mission of the Duke Division of Pediatric Emergency Medicine is to provide expert care for patients, to train the next generation of pediatric and emergency medicine physicians, and to conduct innovative research that improves patient care.

Our Pediatric Emergency Medicine faculty work together with emergency physicians from the Division of Emergency Medicine to staff our state-of–the-art pediatric emergency department that opened in January 2008.

We are trained, equipped and experienced to manage the full array of complaints our patients present with, from simple evaluations of minor complaints to complex medical and surgical resuscitation of critically ill and injured children.

We partner with community physicians to provide care to their patients whose needs exceed what can be safely managed in office settings.

We work closely with local Emergency Medical Services providers and are involved in community outreach efforts to prevent injury and avoidable illness.