About Us
The Division of Pediatric Neurology serves patients with diseases of the brain, peripheral nervous system (nerves), and muscles by providing cutting-edge care which is at the forefront of the discipline of pediatric neurology. The division’s faculty and staff include eight faculty, two nurse practitioners, three nurse clinicians, six pediatric neurology residents, several research associates, neurophysiology fellows and clerical staff. Due to the nature of our patients' conditions, we use advanced diagnostic and therapeutic approaches, offer many multidisciplinary clinics and also work closely with members of other divisions including Adult Neurology, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Medical Genetics, and Neurosurgery. To further medical knowledge and offer our patients cutting-edge treatments, members of the division conduct research sponsored by the NIH, pharmaceutical industry, and research foundations. We also participate in medical student and resident education through clerkships and other clinical experiences. Finally, our faculty members are regular contributors to the medical literature and leaders in their respective subspecialties.

Programs and Clinics
The Division of Pediatric Neurology serves patients with diseases of the brain, peripheral nervous system (nerves), and muscles. We offer our patients cutting-edge treatments in the following specialized programs and clinics: