Clinical Biochemical Genetics Fellowship

The Duke Pediatrics Fellowship Program in Clinical Biochemical Genetics (CBG) trains eligible postdoctoral fellows to be experts in biochemical genetics and directors of Biochemical Genetics clinical laboratories.
Sarah Young
Sarah Young, PhD, FACMG
Program Director

The two-year training experience is centered in the Duke University Health System (DUHS) Biochemical Genetics Laboratory (BGL), which has over forty years of experience of diagnosing inborn errors of metabolism and test innovation.

The DUHS BGL is:

  • a member of the DUHS Clinical Laboratory System
  • affiliated with the Division of Medical Genetics, in the Department of Pediatrics, Duke University School of Medicine
  • overseen and mentored by M.D. and Ph.D. faculty in the Division of Medical Genetics, certified in medical genetics and genomics subspecialties through the American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ABMGG)

The DUHS Biochemical Genetics Laboratory is located in an off-campus facility at 801-6 Capitola Dr, Durham, NC 27713, and consists of the Mass Spectrometry (MS) and Glycogen Storage Disease (GSD) sections.

During the fellowship, CBG trainees will gain experience in the pre-analytical, analytical, and post-analytical aspects of biochemical genetics tests, including:

  • Amino acid analysis
  • Organic acid analysis
  • Acylcarnitine analysis
  • Free and total carnitine analysis
  • Glycosaminoglycan analysis
  • Targeted metabolite analysis
  • Enzyme activity measurements
  • Glycogen screen and glycogen analysis

Fellows will participate in new test development and validation, quality management activities, and quality improvement initiatives. Fellows will be trained in the laboratory inspection process and are expected to become familiar with the requirements of regulatory agencies such as CAP and CLIA.

The training program includes a four-week rotation through the DUHS Molecular Diagnostics laboratory and rotations in Duke Hospital Genetics Clinics.

Fellows will be encouraged to attend the North American Metabolic Academy (NAMA) and present at regional and national conferences.

Program Overview

  • Positions offered per year: One every two years
  • Current number of fellows: One
  • Program duration: Two years
  • Accrediting body: Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
  • Additional affiliation: American Board of Medical Genetics and Genomics (ABMGG)

How to Apply 

Applications for the CBG Fellowship Program are accepted every 2 years. The next application period is June 17, 2024 – July 12, 2024. Virtual interviews will be held July 15, 2024 – August 2, 2024. The position begins July 2025. 

To apply:

  • Application materials should be sent to Program Director Sarah Young at
  • Submit your CV and personal statement to Dr. Young.
  • Ask 3 references to send letters of recommendation directly to Dr. Young.
  • If your graduate degree was obtained outside the U.S., you will also need to submit a Credential Evaluation letter from the ABMGG at the time of application.

All applications are considered without regard to race, religion, gender, or national origin.

Program Coordinator

Elizabeth Sasser
Program Coordinator
DUMC Box 102509
Durham, NC 27710

Program Director

Sarah Young, PhD, FACMG
Program Director, Clinical Biochemical Genetics Fellowship
Professor of Pediatrics
Co-Director, DUHS Biochemical Genetics Lab
Box 3528 DUMC

Associate Program Director

Ashlee Stiles, PhD, FACMG
Associate Program Director, Clinical Biochemical Genetics Fellowship
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Co-Director, DUHS Biochemical Genetics Lab
Box 3528 DUMC

Current Fellow