Welcome to the Duke Pediatric Endocrinology fellowship program.
The overall objectives of the program are four-fold:
- To ensure that each trainee is provided the background and experience necessary to diagnose and manage the panoply of childhood hormonal and metabolic disorders intrinsic to the field of pediatric endocrinology;
- To ensure that trainees develop expertise in fundamental techniques of modern molecular and cellular endocrinology;
- To provide each fellow the opportunity to explore a research project in depth and to present the results of that research in oral and written form; and
- To inculcate a refined professionalism that enables the fellow to communicate effectively and sympathetically with patients, their families and other health care providers, to respect confidentiality, and to avoid conflicts of interest.
Program Overview
- Positions offered per year: One
- Current number of fellows: Three
- Program duration: Three years
- Accrediting body: Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education (ACGME)
- Match participation?: Yes
We invite you to discover your own future potential for growth, achievement, and professional satisfaction by investigating the possibilities at Duke.