The program is dedicated to developing individual careers by providing a strong basic foundation in clinical and laboratory research that allows each trainee freedom to choose their career goals.
To prevent distractions and allow fellows to concentrate on acquiring their clinical and research skills, the fellowship is divided into one clinical year and two years dedicated to research. The first year of fellowship is an intensive clinical experience designed to allow the fellow to develop skills in diagnosis and current therapy for pediatric hematologic and oncologic problems. By providing a broad exposure to both common and unusual problems in pediatric hematology, oncology, neuro-oncology, and blood and marrow transplant the fellow will become competent in treating oncologic and hematologic disorders in children. The first year will also expose the fellow to many areas of potential research.
During the second and third year of training, the fellow’s time is committed to learning the principles of research or, if specifically requested, pursuing formal training in clinical research design and implementation.
Program Overview
- Positions offered per year: Up to 3
- Current number of fellows: 9
- Program duration: 3 years
- Accrediting body: Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education
- Match participation?: Yes
Additional Fellowship Training Tracks
- Combined Medicine-Pediatrics Hematology-Oncology Fellowship
- Combined Global Health Fellowship
How to apply
Electronic Residency Application Services (ERAS)
Contact person
Devin Compton
Fellowship Program Coordinator
2424 Erwin Road
DUMC Box 2739
Durham, NC 27710
919.681.4836 fax
Program director
Jennifer A. Rothman, MD
Professor of Pediatrics
Medical Director, Pediatric Hematology/Oncology
Current fellows
Third year
Hutton Clark Chapman, MD
Caitlyn McComb, MD
Second year
Erin Ramoutar, MD, MS
George Turco, MD
Derek Zachmann, MD, PhD
First year
Christopher Hahn, MD
Apoorva Jagadish, MBBS
Flannery Bowman, MD
We invite you to discover your own future potential for growth, achievement, and professional satisfaction by investigating the possibilities at Duke.