The Duke FusOnC2 Center is led by:

Corinne Linardic, MD, PhD, Principal Investigator
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology
[Lab website]

Christopher Counter, PhD, Co-Principal Investigator
George Barth Geller Distinguished Professor of Pharmacology
Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology
Assistant Professor in Radiation Oncology
[Lab website]

Angela Koehler, PhD
Associate Professor of Biological Engineering
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT}
[Lab website]

Kris Wood, PhD
Associate Professor of Pharmacology and Cancer Biology
Duke University
[Lab website]

Dave Root, PhD
Senior Director of the Genetic Perturbation Platform and the Functional Genomics Consortium, Institute Scientist
Broad Institute
[Lab website]

Dave Langenau, PhD
Professor of Pathology
Harvard Medical School Associate Chief of Pathology (Research)
Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH)
[Lab website]