Child Maltreatment Prevention Lab: Led by Dr. Beth Gifford, this lab takes administrative and health data to identify individual- and community- level factors associated with child maltreatment

Duke Population Research Center: The Duke Population Research Center (DPRC) is a dynamic community of population researchers from Duke University's social, biological, mathematical, statistical, health and policy sciences. With a mission to catalyze cutting edge research into the fundamental questions of population well-being, the Center expands the boundaries of demographic investigation and champions the next generation of researchers. DPRC research interests encompass health and well-being over the life course, extend across generations and primate species, and use cutting-edge network analyses to broaden our understanding of population health processes.
CTSI-CHDI Child Health Equity Program: The goal of this program is to develop strategies to help mitigate child health inequities and disparities in child healthcare access and health outcomes.

Project HOPE 1000: This research project is developing a cohort of 1000 mother-infant dyads which will provide birth samples from pregnancy to early childhood to help identify early life factors that influence lifelong health and diseases.

Clinical Research with Electronic Health Records (CR-EHR): Interdisciplinary course engages clinical and quantitative researchers in how to engage with Duke electronic health record data.

Pilot Funding: 6 applications for funding have been granted with the support of Duke MEDx and Triangle Center for Evolutionary Medicine for 2 requests, allowing CHDI to fund over $900,000 to 15 research projects.

Clinical Research Datamart: This curated electronic health record datamart provides a subset of consistently-defined data elements that have been used to investigate patient intrinsic and extrinsic factors of individuals served by Duke Health systems.

Translating Duke Health: This initiative is a multi-disciplinary, multi-year commitment to harness knowledge and expertise found at Duke to address society’s most significant scientific and healthcare challenges and fulfill the vision of making discoveries