




“Mi niña nació prematura y estubo 3 meses en cuidados intensivos. Mi esposo y yo decidimos participar en investigación porque nos hicieron sentir confianza y siempreestan pendientes. Fue una experiencia buena el estar rodeada de personas capacitadas ayudando y brindando apoyo.” – Delia
“My baby girl was born premature and was in intensive care for 3 months. My husband and I decided to participate in research because they made us feel confident, and they are always on the lookout. It was a good experience to be surrounded by trained people helping and providing support.” – Delia

Makenzie and Makayla

On December 07, 2019, a pregnancy that felt like it was just starting was actually starting to come to an end. I was uncomfortable all day while Christmas shopping. I finally decided to get checked at Alamance Regional, and before I knew it, I was getting air lifted to Duke University Hospital. I had an unexpected early delivery of my precious identical twin girls at 22 weeks, Makenzie and Makayla (lovingly called the M&M twins) on December 08, 2019. These micro preemies were born weighing 1lb 1oz and 1lb 3oz. As you can imagine, everyone was filled with joy upon their arrival but also with the uncertainty of their survival. After sleepless nights and days without eating, I realized there was only one way through this journey, and that was to fight! Makenzie and Makayla are currently 3 months old and doing AMAZING!!! Beating the odds of not only a 22 weeker, BUT 22 weeker identical TWINS and shocking the world! We all know everyone thinks 22 weekers are not viable as I have been told their survival would be very slim and to prepare BUT babies born so young can survive and make it!

Laura, Nathaniel and Charlotte

“My triplets, Laura, Nathaniel, and Charlotte, were born at Duke UMC at 25 weeks, 4 days gestation. At 1lb 11oz, 1lb 9oz, and 1lb 12oz (respectively) they were definitely micro-preemies.We spent a LONG time in Duke’s ICN. Charlotte was the first to come home, after a 96 day stay. Nate was there for 160 days and came home with oxygen and an NG tube. Laura had the longest stay (177 days), and she had to have a Mic-key button inserted and fundoplication surgery to help her with her severe reflux. We had good days and bad days. There were two PDI ligations and one procedure for retinopathy as well as a surgery to remove scar tissue in Laura’s throat so that she could swallow and eat. We had multiple intubations, IV problems, and UTIs. There was even a minor brain bleed and pneumonia. To say the least, it was a struggle, but the end was worth it. I have three beautiful little people in my life who wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for the miracle workers at Duke. From the doctors who kept me up to date to the nurses who changed all those diapers, and especially the nurse who used to go and visit Nate on her lunch breaks, after he was transferred to the TCN, just so that she could rock him and give him a snuggle, I cannot possibly thank you enough.” – Victoria

“As the research psychometrist, it was great to see these children return to Duke for their research developmental testing. Seeing the growth and development of these children, who were born so early, was very rewarding!” – Caitlin Stone, Clinical Research Coordinator, Sr.
How you can participate
If you currently have a baby in the Duke Intensive Care Nursery, and you think you may want to participate in any of our research studies, please ask your baby’s nurse or doctor to contact us. The NPRU team will then contact you to explain the criteria for study eligibility and describe the potential benefits and risks for entering the study. Learn about our current research opportunities.
How you can help
Our mission is to provide the professional infrastructure and clinical expertise directed toward improving the quality of care and long-term outcomes for our babies. Find out how you can help support our babies and our research.
Learn more
To learn more about the Duke Intensive Care Nursery, visit the Duke Division of Neonatology website. For more information about the Neonatal Perinatal Research Unit or to learn more about our clinical trials, email us at npru@duke.edu, or call 919-681-4913.