Mahadeo named Chief of Division of Transplant and Cellular Therapy
Kris Michael Mahadeo, MD, MPH, has been named chief of the Division of Transplant and Cellular Therapy in the Duke Department of Pediatrics, effective January 9, 2023
Cherrita McCoy, Fellowship Program Coordinator Highlight
In conjunction with divisional program directors, Cherrita McCoy shares in the implementation and compliance of all aspects of the management and
Anti-Ableist Advocacy: Christopher Lunsford aims to change the conversation around disability
He didn’t always have an awareness of it or a word for it, but Christopher Lunsford, MD, was affected by ableism throughout his life. It affected how he coped with the challenges that came with being hard of hearing since birth and having a speech impediment.
New and competing renewal awards for September 2022
The following are new and competing renewal awards made to faculty in the Department of Pediatrics through the month of September 2022.
An Engineer at Heart: Cynthia Toth's 25 years of revolutionizing eye care and surgery
As Cynthia Toth, MD, prepares to "dive" inside the eye, she practices a relaxed mind. "Slow breath, focus, concentrate," she tells herself. In 30 years as a retinal surgeon, she has trained to make her left hand as proficient as her right, so she can smoothly reach the part of the retina she needs to.
Safe sleep for babies: essential tips
Once your baby is discharged from the hospital, sleep is important to ensure that you and baby are getting the rest you need to settle into your new routines. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has recommendations for infants 0-1 year of age pertaining to safe sleep principles, which were updated in July of 2022.
Duke continues to take extraordinary measures to treat Pompe Disease
Dozens of families — nearly 150 people altogether — gathered in Durham in August, united by a common thread: Pompe disease. The 11th annual Pompe Patient Meeting, hosted by the Duke University Pompe Disease Clinical and Research Team, has become a sort of homecoming and network of hope for these families so deeply affected by the advances Duke has made in helping children and adults with Pompe disease live longer, fuller lives.
Duke to co-lead new Research Dissemination and Engagement Center to help end opioid addiction
The Duke Clinical Research Institute (DCRI) will help establish a new nationwide center that will accelerate and expand the dissemination of the latest research on addiction and overdose to help communities devastated by the opioid crisis.
Better maternal health, better infant health: growing up with Project HOPE 1000
The first 1,000 days of life — the time spanning roughly between conception and a child’s second birthday — are the most rapid period of human development.
Bartlett named Vice Chair for Faculty
Kathleen Wurth Bartlett, MD, FAAP, professor of pediatrics, chief of the Division of Hospital Medicine, and associate program director of the Pediatrics Residency Program, has been named vice chair for faculty, effective November 1, 2022.