Second HEAL Cohort (2025-2027) Announced

We are thrilled to announce the second HEAL cohort for 2025-2027:

Dr. Matthew Pun
Pediatric Resident

Duke Pediatric Research Scholars Program

Dr. Habiba Ahmed
Pediatric Resident

Dr. Katherine Allison
Pediatric Resident

Dr. Joseph Locklear
Medicine-Pediatrics Resident

The purpose of the Health Equity and Advocacy Leadership Track (HEAL) track is to develop leaders in advocacy and health equity to reduce health disparities in Pediatrics. HEAL residents will: 

  • Develop an understanding of the social determinants of health and health disparities in our surrounding community and beyond  
  • Be equipped with skills and tools to be child health advocates  
  • Engage with community stakeholders to understand local resources and partnerships  
  • Be exposed to careers in Pediatrics that focus on health disparities research, scholarship, and advocacy  
  • Engage in self-reflective learning that will encourage professional identity formation, empathy, cultural humility  

The HEAL track includes a variety of content areas: 

  • Health Equity and Social Determents of Health Content: Related concepts and topics that describe the conditions that affect people’s health and the evidenced-based efforts to improve outcomes. Examples in the curriculum aligned with this content area include:  
  • Self-Reflection and Professional Identity Development: Promotes continuous self-awareness and consciousness and empowers one to move from just experiencing into understanding. Incorporating self-reflection exercises elevates engagement amongst participants and allows for participants to explore their own selves in a way that is intentional and relevant to what is learned throughout this track. An example in the curriculum aligned with this content area include:  
  • Project Development and Design: During the track, each learner is expected to produce a project that focuses on an area of health equity and advocacy.  This project culminates into a final project by the end of their two years in the educational track. Various sessions are designed to help learners with brainstorming, developing, and implementing their final project. Examples in the curriculum aligned with this content area include:  
  • Skill Building: These sessions focus on advocacy related skills including writing an Op-Ed, public speaking, grant writing, mind mapping, etc.   


Once again to congratulations to the 2025-2027 HEAL Cohort!
