Lauren Allen, MD

Lauren Allen

Critical Care Medicine

Start Year: 2024

Rockville, MD

What are the strengths of your training program?
The PICU faculty and staff are an exceptional group that make coming to work every day both enjoyable and educational. Fellows get a great balance of support when needed and autonomy as they progress through the fellowship.

How are you involved in research? What are your research interests?
I am still exploring multiple research areas for my scholarly project. I am interested in patient safety and quality improvement and am a member of the PICU Code Committee, which works to better prepare all members of the interdisciplinary care team for code events.

How do you spend your time outside of work?
I love spending time exploring fun spaces around Durham with my husband and son. I also enjoy running and hiking.

Education & Training

Undergrad School
Dual BA degrees, International Studies and Environmental Studies, American University

Medical School
MD, UNC-Chapel Hill

Duke University Medical Center