The Duke Center for Research to Advance Healthcare Equity has named the recipients of its 2021-2022 Research Education and Training Subcore Awards, including Purnima Valdez, MD, assistant professor of pediatrics in the Division of Neurology. Valdez was awarded the Transdisciplinary Think Tank Award for her project entitled, Addressing Disproportionate School Discipline Practices in the Health Encounter.
Project description
African American youth experience higher rates of suspensions and expulsions for the same behavioral infractions committed by their white peers. Teacher racial bias has been shown to contribute to these disparities. This award will bring together a working group of faculty and trainees in the Duke Department of Pediatrics and the Duke Law School to develop a provider education and school-based intervention program aimed at reducing racial disparities in school discipline and improving the psychological well-being of students.
About the awards
The Duke REACH Equity Research Education and Training Awards provide one to two years of support for trainees, postdocs, and faculty members to conduct a health disparities research project. All projects address the Center’s theme to develop and test interventions that reduce racial and ethnic disparities in health by improving the quality of patient-centered care in the clinical encounter.
For more information about REACH Equity or funding opportunities, visit the Center’s website.