Every spring the Duke University School of Medicine recognizes the achievements of a number of our colleagues with the presentation of School of Medicine faculty awards. This year's faculty awards will be presented at the annual School of Medicine Spring Faculty Celebration on Tuesday, May 10 from 5:00 to 7:30 pm at Duke Gardens.
Congratulations to the following 2022 Duke Department of Pediatrics Award recipient on this well-deserved honor!
Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award
John Moses, Jr, MD
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
General Pediatrics and Adolescent Health
The Leonard Tow Humanism in Medicine Award is sponsored by the Arnold P. Gold Foundation and has been supported by Leonard Tow, a lifelong teacher and student, since 2003. Winners of this award demonstrate compassion in the delivery of care, respect for patients, their families, and healthcare colleagues, as well as clinical excellence.
John Moses is a primary care pediatrician at Duke University Medical Center. His research interests have focused on exploring various health and social issues through the perspective of documentary photography. While he was an undergraduate student at Duke, Moses took a photography class from Center for Documentary Studies faculty member Alex Harris. Before attending medical school, he spent a year photographing the conditions of migrant farm workers in the Southeast. His current projects include a book about primary care medicine and a book about children and illness. His courses include Medicine and the Vision of Documentary Photography, part of the Focus Program, and Children and the Experience of Illness, in which students teach photography to children being treated for illness and write about their experiences during the semester. Of the class, he says, “It has become a way for students to process their own issues with illness.” Moses plans to continue developing other opportunities for undergraduates to work with documentary studies and medicine.