This annual conference celebrates work in quality improvement, safety and teamwork across the Duke University Health System. Made possible by a grateful patient donation and a dedicated team of conference planners, committee members, and patient and staff volunteers, the conference brings together hundreds of Duke Health employees to recognize, evaluate, learn, and advance health together.
Check out the video abstracts below from your fellow pediatrics faculty and staff. (Note: Winners are annotated with an * and title).
Endotracheal Excellence: Standardizing documentation to drive quality in airway rescue procedures across the Health System
*Karcher Patient Safety Award
By Emily Greenwald MD, Tim Crittenden RN, MMCi, Cheryn Johnson, Sameer Kamath MD, MBBS, Janet Lee MD, Palen Mallory MD, William Adams MD, Michelle DeRusso MD, Alex Rotta MD, Govind Krishnan MD, Brad Taicher DO, MBA, and Emily Sterrett MD, MS
Bettering Broken Bones: Decreasing ED Length-of-Stay for Sedated Orthopedic Care
*Fulkerson Award
By Kelly Owens MS2, Emily Greenwald MD, Neel Subramanian MD, Jason Deboy, Crystal Crider BSN, Mary Leibold RN, Robert Lark MD, Anthony Catanzano MD, Jack Frush MD, Donald Frush MD, Annette Rich, Heather McLean MD, Emily Sterrett MD
Ensuring safe discharge: A quality improvement initiative for postpartum hypertensive patients
*Kirkland Award
By Kathleen M. Zacherl, MD, Emily Sterrett, MD, MS, Brenna L. Hughes, MD, MSc, Heather Talley MSN, Karley Whelan MS3, Samuel T. Bauer MD, Anna Swartwood RN, Krista Wilson, MHA, RN, Ashley Personius, Tiffanie Ferrera BSN, RN, CNML, Katie Bloedau RN, Jamie Tyler-Walker MIS, Emily Joubert CNM, MSN, Jaxon Olsen MD, Patricia Penderman BSN, RN, Hailee Robson RN, Stephanie Locus MSW, and Laura J. Havrilesky, MD, MHSc
Improving CAre in SCID Screening (ICASS)
By Geoffrey Hall, DO; Cynthia Zhou, MD; Rachel Greenberg, MD; Kathleen W. Bartlett; Camille DiCarlo, BS; C.M. Cotten, MD; Rebecca Buckley, MD; Talal Mousallem, MD
Tiny Teeth: A quality improvement project to improve connection of young children to local dentists
By Samantha Curtis, MD; Carolyn Avery, MD, MHS
Sleep Disorders in Patients with CF: Improved Screening and Early intervention
By Zeni Scott, MD, Heather Mclean, MD, Tarig Ali-Dinar, Caitlin Suggs, RN, Pete Malinosky, Camille DiCarlo, Shatha Yousef, MD
By Ruchi Doshi, MD MPH; Philip Hinman, LCSW; Colby Feeney, MD
By Colby Feeney
Improving Goals of Care Discussions in Hospitalized Children with Medical Complexity
By Bryan Monroe, Mark Chandler, Kristina Nazareth-Pidgeon, Elizabeth Sainz
Taking On Length of Stay at Duke: The Duke Hospitalist Approach
By Noppon Setji MD, Tara Spector MD, Dana Clifton MD, Noel Ivey MD, Stephen Telloni MD, Eric Pollak MD, Katherine Neal MD, Nilesh Patel MD, Mark Chandler MD, Aubrey Jolly Graham MD, Molly McKenna