Program Leadership and Faculty

Program Leadership

Kyle Rehder

Kyle Rehder, MD
Vice Chair of Education
Professor of Pediatrics (Critical Care Medicine)

Mia Mallory

Mia Mallory, MD, MEd
Pediatrics Residency Program Director
Associate Professor of Pediatrics (Emergency Medicine)

Emily Mccormick

Emily McCormick, MD
Pediatrics Residency Associate Program Director 
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics (Primary Care Pediatrics)

Ganga Moorthy, MD, MSc

Ganga Moorthy, MD, MSc
Pediatrics Residency Associate Program Director
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics (Division of Infectious Diseases 





James Fox

James Walter Fox, MD
Pediatrics Residency Associate Program Director
Professor of Pediatrics (Emergency Medicine)

Duke Faculty

Duke faculty

The faculty of the Department of Pediatrics believes that training pediatrics residents is our most important responsibility because our trainees are the future of medicine at Duke, in the United States, and increasingly, around the globe.

We are committed to providing our trainees superb learning experiences in a program that is both challenging and rewarding, and we are enormously proud of them and their accomplishments.

Our faculty strive to be supportive, while teaching the most advanced methods and techniques of modern medical care and keeping the doctor-patient relationship as the focus of all of our efforts.

Learn more about Duke Department of Pediatrics faculty in the pediatrics residency program.