Patient Care

Inpatient Consultations

Our inpatient consult services are available 24/7/365 and are managed by fellows, nurse practitioners, and attending specialist physicians on-call to provide information on the optimal diagnosis and management of known or suspected infections.

Consults center on a wide variety of underlying patient conditions and include both severe presentations of common childhood infections (pneumonia, meningitis, and bone and joint infections), as well as infections in immunocompromised or critically ill children.

Two ID Inpatient Consult Services Available

We operate two parallel pediatric ID inpatient consult services to accommodate the large number of specialized patients that we see at Duke University. One consult service focuses on general infectious diseases consults and the other provides care for pediatric transplant recipients and oncology patients.

Outpatient Consultations

The Pediatric Infectious Diseases Subspecialty Clinic serves children between birth and 21 years of age with known or suspected infections. When appropriate, we see pregnant women with infectious concerns that may impact their unborn child. The clinic is staffed by an attending physician, fellow, pediatric nurse practitioner, social worker, and oftentimes pediatric residents or medical students.

Frequent reasons for referral include:

  • fever of unknown origin
  • recurrent or severe infections
  • sinusitis
  • diarrhea
  • skin and soft tissue infections
  • HIV
  • neonatal HSV
  • hepatitis
  • bone or joint infections
  • pneumonia
  • meningitis
  • tuberculosis
  • parasitic infections
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For more information on the Duke Children's Health Center Infectious Diseases Clinic.