Rosie Kilgore, MD

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Child Abuse and Neglect

Start Year: 2023

Charlotte, NC

What are the strengths of your training program?
The CANMEC Clinic has a strong relationship with community partners, so coordination between agencies is relatively smooth. All of the child abuse pediatricians have 10+ years of experience and there is also experience from within Duke and outside of Duke/North Carolina. The foster care clinic was also a major draw for me.

How are you involved in research? What are your research interests?
I am pursuing research involving drug endangered children and children in foster care.

How do you spend your time outside of work?
I travel in and outside of the U.S. a few times a year. I also enjoy spending time with friends and family, participating in cultural events, cooking, eating, and all things fashion.

Education & Training

Undergrad School
BA, Duke University

Medical School
MD, UNC Chapel Hill

East Carolina University

Other Degrees
MPH, UNC Chapel Hill