Start Year: 2021
Winston-Salem, NC
Where did you attend college/university?
North Carolina State University
Where did you attend medical school?
University of South Carolina School of Medicine
Reflections on the Duke program
What were you looking for in a residency program?
What I was looking for most in a residency program was one that would be very supportive towards the residents, attendings, nursing staff as well as ancillary staff. Knowing that I could be at a program where I feel like I can be myself as well as know that others can express themselves freely is important to me. I also wanted to find a program that has great teaching and values the experience that teaching can be for students, residents, attendings or anyone else involved.
What do you want to get involved in at Duke that particularly interests you (i.e. committees, research, interest groups, QI, etc.)?
I am a huge fan of wellness and research. For wellness, residency will be tough and will challenge each and everyone of us to be the best physicians we can. With that challenge, I believe wellness is huge factor that should be considered and emphasized. Proper wellness can help combat burnout and help us keep striving to further our education. I also love research as well as this is how we stay up to date. I believe one of the things I fear is not staying up to date with the gold standards of practice, so the practice of research and reading will help me to be in tune with standard cares of practice.
What are the strengths of the Duke program?
1) The people in the program. Everyone has been so helpful, especially for me and the new interns with getting adjusted to life in residency. People actually care about you as a person and not just as a person working a job. 2) The education has been phenomenal so far, and I am a huge fan of the structure of the educational opportunities.
About Duke and Durham
What’s best about living in Durham and the Triangle?
For us, the best part is being so close to family again for my wife and I!
What do you like to do outside of work?
I am a huge fan of soccer, whether it's watching or playing. I love to be outside and workout as well as hang out with my wife and pup.
What is something surprising/interesting about you?
I went to the 2010 World Cup in South Africa and went to see one of my favorite players (Messi) play in person!