Start Year: 2023
Excelsior, MN
Where did you attend college/university?
College of Holy Cross
Where did you attend medical school?
Albany Medical College of Union Medicine
Reflections on the Duke program
What were you looking for in a residency program?
Moving with a partner who is not in medicine, I began our search geographically, choosing programs in all of the cities/states that we would like to live in. Durham, and thus Duke, was on that list. I did not have any specific size requirements at the beginning, but quickly realized that I preferred medium sized programs that were large enough to guarantee a diverse range of people and personalities, yet still small enough that I would be able to get to know everybody. My interest in fellowship (between heme/onc or cardiology) further backed up my desire to be part of a program like Duke that has so many fellowships available. Lastly, but most importantly, I wanted to feel comfortable on my interview day. Despite Duke being one of my first interviews, it was one of the most natural and relaxed ones I had during the process. I immediately felt at home with the residents, attendings, and leadership that I interacted with.
What do you want to get involved in at Duke that particularly interests you (i.e. committees, research, interest groups, QI, etc.)?
About Duke and Durham
What’s best about living in Durham and the Triangle?
Durham is a good sized city for me, and the Triangle offers a wide array of activities, food, events, and nature that anyone will be able to enjoy! It also doesn't hurt that I rarely have to wait in traffic to do any of these things.
What do you like to do outside of work?
When not working, I love having the ability to be outside. Running, hiking, eating, and going to new breweries are some of the simple things that give me life outside of work, and North Carolina makes it easy to do all of these activities year-round.