Start Year: 2022
Charlotte, NC
Where did you attend college/university?
North Carolina State University
Where did you attend medical school?
University of North Carolina Chapel Hill School of Medicine
Reflections on the Duke program
What were you looking for in a residency program?
I anticipated residency would be difficult, so I just really wanted to be able to spend it with a great group of people who I knew would be supportive and brighten my day every day!
What do you want to get involved in at Duke that particularly interests you (i.e. committees, research, interest groups, QI, etc.)?
I would love to continue to work with our awesome medical students and continuing to build my own teaching skills.
About Duke and Durham
What’s best about living in Durham and the Triangle?
The food and restaurants in Durham are great, I may even say best food scene in North Carolina. Also, you are in such close proximity to many things, the mountains, the beach, other cities that are also fun such as Raleigh, chapel Hill, Charlotte. You can always find something to do! If you love college sports, there's also plenty of that in the triangle with having UNC, NC State, and Duke all close by.
What do you like to do outside of work?
Explore restaurants, hop around Chapel Hill, maybe if I'm feeling adventurous going for a walk or even a hike at a nearby trail.