Start Year: 2022
Madison, WI
Where did you attend college/university?
University of Colorado, Boulder
Where did you attend medical school?
Oregon Health & Science University
Where did you complete your residency?
Duke Pediatrics
Reflections on the Duke program
What were you looking for in a fellowship program?
I was looking for a program that served patients with a wide range of hematologic and oncologic diagnoses, with supportive faculty and ample opportunities for conducting research.
What are the strengths of the Duke program?
We are fortunate to care for children with a wide variety of diagnoses in both hematology and oncology. Fellows quickly gain autonomy and responsibility for their patients, with the supervision of highly supportive and knowledgeable faculty. Our division, and the Department of Pediatrics in general, are full of smart, hard-working and passionate people who bring diverse experiences, talents and interests to their jobs.
How are you involved in research? What are your research interests?
I am a basic science researcher pursuing a physician-scientist career path. My fellowship research is in Matt Hirschey’s lab at the Duke Molecular Physiology Institute. Currently I am studying how mitochondrial metabolism regulates nucleotide biosynthesis in acute myeloid leukemia. My other research interests include how metabolism supports leukemia stem cells, how artificial intelligence can be applied in cancer genomics to better understand and predict relapse, and how the bone marrow microenvironment influences leukemia survival after chemotherapy.
About Duke University and Durham
What’s the best about living in Durham and the Triangle?
The Triangle has a lot to do when you're not at work. Great restaurants, breweries, coffee shops abound. There are several state parks within 15 minutes, and a 3-hour drive lands you either at the beach or in the mountains. There are tons of opportunities for enjoying music, theater, and the arts. Having lived here for a handful of years already, I'm excited that there is still a lot to explore !
Personal interests
What do you like to do outside of work?
Gardening, hiking, climbing, hanging out with friends and family.