Audrey Zeis, MD

Audrey Zeis

Start Year: 2022


Austin, TX

Where did you attend medical school?
University of Texas Southwestern

Where did you complete your residency?
University of Chicago

What are your research and career interests?
Neurodevelopmental outcomes, palliative care

Reflections on the Duke program

What were you looking for in a fellowship program?
I wanted a program that would provide exposure to as much patient diversity as possible to best prepare me in my future career, with an emphasis on autonomy  to better build clinical reasoning and a strong network for research opportunities.

What are the strengths of the Duke program?
The people! Everyone here is incredibly knowledgeable and supportive - you have so many people that you can turn to for help.

About Duke University and Durham

What’s your favorite part about living in Durham and the Triangle?
There is amazing food, and there are so many excellent hiking trails nearby.

Personal interests

What do you like to do outside of work?
Cooking/baking, hiking, reading, making my way through all the restaurants and bars in Durham.

Publications or Presentations

  • Venturelli N, Zeis A, De Beritto T, Hageman JR. Ureasplasma and Its Role in Adverse Perinatal Outcomes: A Review. Neoreviews. 2021 Sep;22(9):e574-e584. doi:10.1542/neo.22-9-e574. PMID:34470759.