New and competing renewal awards for February 2022

The following is a list of new and competing renewal awards that were made to faculty in the Department of Pediatrics for the month of February 2022. Please extend your congratulations to the following individuals. 

Karl-Dimiter Bissig (Medical Genetics) received an award from Tune Therapeutics in the amount of $285,764 for a project entitled, Epigenetic Modulation of Therapeutic Targets in FRG Mice. The project period is 02/18/2022-02/28/2023.

Genevieve Fouda (Infectious Diseases) received an award from Johns Hopkins University/NIH in the amount of $465,846 for a project entitled, Pediatric Adolescent Virus Eradiation (PAVE) Martin Delaney Collaboratory. The project period is 08/16/2021-04/30/2026. 

Kristy Pahl (Hematoloy-Oncology) received an award from Competitive Drug Development International in the amount of $9,839 for a project entitled, Evidence-based Feasibility (Ebf) process for a planned study of asundexian in children up to 18 years of age diagnosed with acute ischaemic stroke (AIS) or covert brain infarcts (CBI). The project period is 01/01/2022-01/31/2024. 

Edward C. Smith (Neurology) received an award from Parent Project Muscular Dystrophy in the amount of $5,000 for a project entitled, 2022 PPMD CDCC Grant. The project period is 01/01/2022-12/31/2022.  

Lars Wagner (Hematology-Oncology) received an award from Valent Technologies in the amount of $78,991 for a project entitled, Pilot Pharmacokinetic Study of VAL-413 in Patients with Recurrent pediatric Solid Tumors. The project period is 01/13/2022-03/23/2026.

Congratulations to these faculty on their awards and best wishes to them in their investigative work.

Christoph Hornik, MD, MPH
Vice Chair, Research
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Division of Critical Care Medicine
Chief, Division of Quantitative Sciences
