The following is a list of new and competing renewal awards that were made to faculty in the Department of Pediatrics for the month of August 2022. Please extend your congratulations to the following individuals.
Andrea Bauchat (Transplant and Cellular Therapy) received an award from the National Marrow Donor Program for a project entitled, Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation Using Treosulfan-Based Conditioning for the Treatment of Bone Marrow Failure Diseases BMT CTN Protocol #1904. The project period is 06/15/2022-06/14/2023.
Rachel Greenberg (Neonatology) and Daniel Benjamin (Infectious Diseases) received an award from the National Institutes of Health for a project entitled, PTN 2.) TO#13 Improving Off-label Medication Use in Children. The project period is 09/28/2022-09/27/2026.
Priya Kishnani (Medical Genetics) received an award from Sanofi US for a project entitled Pompe NcOMPC09701. The project period is 07/19/2022-01/31/2024.
Andrew Landstrom (Cardiology) received an award from the National Institutes of Health/NHLBI for a project entitled, Exploring the Role of ATP1A3 Mutations in Sudden Unexplained Death in Epilepsy. The project period is 08/22/2022-06/30/2027.
Corinne Linardic (Hematology-Oncology) received an award from Massachusetts General Hospital/CureSearch for Children’s Cancer for a project entitled, Targeting P53 in Childhood Rhabdomyosarcoma. The project period is 07/01/2022-10/31/2022.
Corinne Linardic (Hematology-Oncology) received an award from RYVU Therapeutics for a project entitled, Pre-Clinical Studies of CDK* Human Fusion-Positive Rhabdomyosarcoma. The project period is 08/01/2022-07/31/2024.
Kathleen McGann (Infectious Diseases) received an award from DHHS, PHS, HRSA for a project entitled, Ryan White HIV/AIDS Program Part D Coordinated HIV Services. The project period is 08/01/2022-07/31/2026.
Jennifer Rothman (Hematology-Oncology) received an award from Agios Pharmaceutical for a project entitled, AG348-C-023. The project period is 04/29/2022-01/31/2026.
Sarah Young (Medical Genetics) received an award from Aro Biotherapeutics for a project entitled, Evaluation of Urinary HeX4 in Pompe and Wilid-Type Mice. The project period is 07/26/2022-04/30/2023.
Congratulations to these faculty on their awards and best wishes to them in their investigative work.
Christoph Hornik, MD, MPH
Vice Chair, Research
Associate Professor of Pediatrics
Division of Critical Care Medicine
Chief, Division of Quantitative Sciences