Please join the Duke University Chapter of the Student National Medical Association (SNMA) for a week of inspirational events January 14 - 22 as we celebrate the life and achievements of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. and all those who have fought for equality and social justice. These events will engage the Duke University School of Medicine, the Durham community, highlight minority health and wellness, and advance antiracism educational initiatives.
Be sure to register using the links provided by the deadlines.
Friday, January 14
- Department of Medicine Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Grand Rounds: Toward Racial Health Equity: Critical Population Health Perspectives, featuring Tyson Brown, PhD. 12-1pm.
Learn more & join the event - MLK Week of Celebration Community Service Event
Duke’s Student National Medical Association (SNMA) and Durham’s Triangle Empowerment Center will partner to serve roughly 200 hot meals and conduct 40-50 rapid COVID antigen tests and HIV screenings at Urban Ministries at Durham, 410 Liberty Street. Please arrive at 5pm to participate in the meal preparation and cooking or at 6pm to participate in serving meals and COVID testing.
Please sign up by Friday, January 14 (including submitting the volunteer form attached to the link).
Saturday, January 15 and Monday, January 17
- REI (The Racial Equity Institute of Greensboro, North Carolina) Virtual Groundwater Presentation: A Beloved Community in Action - Living out the Legacy of Dr. King, Two Days of Education and Community sponsored by the Southeast Raleigh YMCA and ROAR (Raleigh Organizing Against Racism) Participants are expected to attend Days 1 & 2 - Day 1: Saturday, January 15, 2022 from 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Day 2: Monday, January 17, 2022 from 12:00 p.m.—2:00 p.m. Groundwater Presentation Debrief, Small group discussions.
Learn more and register here
Sunday, January 16
- Duke Chapel Service
The Rev. Bruce Puckett, assistant dean of Duke University Chapel, is the preacher during the chapel’s regular worship service, which will include a litany of prayers related to the MLK commemoration. 11am, Duke Chapel.
View livestream - Duke 2022 Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration Keynote: “How long must we wait? Striving for the beloved community,” featuring author, professor, historian and social activist Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor. 3pm, Duke Chapel.
Learn more | View livestream
Monday, January 17
- Annual MLK Meal Packaging Service Event
The Duke community will partner with Triangle-area Rotary clubs, Interfaith Food Shuttle and Meals of Hope, with the goal of packaging more than 100,000 meals for North Carolina food banks. 9am-2pm, Duke School, 3716 Erwin Road, Durham.
See additional service opportunities. - MLK Unity Walk, sponsored by the 2022 Martin Luther King Jr. Commemoration Committee and Duke Athletics. 12-1:30pm, beginning at the Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture.
Learn more
Week of January 17-21
- 2022 MLK Commemoration Week of Service
Times and locations vary.
Learn more - “Black Men in White Coats” Faculty-Led Movie Screening Discussion, hosted by Duke’s Student National Medical Association (SNMA) Wednesday, January 19, 7pm. Complete this form by Friday, January 14 to secure a link to view the documentary. Links for the screening will be available for three days for personal viewing before this discussion.
Saturday, January 22
- Duke’s SNMA Annual MLK Jr. Banquet Keynote
Leon McDougle MD, MPH, is the Immediate Past President of the National Medical Association (NMA), the first African American Professor with tenure in The Ohio State University Department of Family Medicine, and the first Chief Diversity Officer for the OSU Wexner Medical Center. The SNMA will also recognize the contributions to their HPREP scholarships for high school students and announce the winner of the 2022 Dr. Brenda Armstrong Award. 7-9pm.
Zoom Meeting ID: 956 7275 0701 | RSVP
Email nia.m.mitchell@duke.edu or moronke.ogundolie@duke.edu for more information.