Apoorva Jagadish, MBBS

Apoorva Jagadish

Start Year: 2023


Bangalore, India

Where did you attend medical school?
M.S. Ramaiah Medical College, Bangalore, India

Where did you complete your residency?
LSU Health Shreveport, Louisiana

Reflections on the Duke program

What were you looking for in a fellowship program?
A supportive environment that would expose me to both the basics of PHO and the zebras! I was also looking for a program that had an established global health program so I could explore my interests.

About Duke University and Durham

What’s the best about living in Durham and the Triangle?:
So far, loving the weather, the great food, and the options for fun outdoor activities.

Personal interests

What do you like to do outside of work?:
I enjoy working out (yoga and Peloton), traveling, baking, playing board games, and watching lots of Netflix!